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Mighty Makers

Mighty Makers – a free opportunity for kids to develop emotional regulation skills!

Parkside is pleased to introduce the Mighty Makers program, designed to address some mental health challenges of younger children. Mighty Makers is free for families with kids ages 5-12 who need help with their feelings. The program is designed to help kids learn to manage emotions and feel better through family therapy and biofeedback technology in which a game is used to teach management of stress, anger and impulsivity. Games are part of the Mightier app. All equipment is provided.
Family – Focused Therapy: helps strengthen the family while improving communication.

Rapid Results: 87% of families see behavioral changes within 6 weeks, but with active family involvement, improvements occur even faster!

Interactive biofeedback games: 27 engaging tablet games help children regulate emotions and manage outbursts before they happen.

Improved emotional regulation: Designed to support children with ADHD, anxiety and emotional dysregulation bringing families closer together.

Contact Denise Gogolin, LPC with questions or to schedule a Mighty Makers admissions appointment.
Call 918-586-4291 or email degogolin@parksideinc.org


Engaging tablet computer games help make it happen

See Mighty Makers coverage from KJRH news: